September 21, 2007

Resistance Is Futile - Pt 36

Geordi La Forge looked down at the two pairs of legs sticking out from underneath the console of the new shuttlecraft Andromeda. He grinned widely as he listened to the exchange taking place between the owners of the legs.

"B-b-but Admiral...we can't do that!" stuttered an excited Reginald Barclay.

"Trust me,, hold that spanner still while I do this!" replied a calmer Admiral Hamilton.

"If you're sure..." Only Reg would dare question a superior when he was that nervous. La Forge bet it had more to do with the admiral's presence than the actual modifcations she was making. When it had been announced that she was coming to the Enterprise,Reg had chattered for hours about his meeting her once in the Acadamy gardens. Everyone had doubted him, of course ... until Hamilton had shown up in Engineering 4 hours ago and asked for Reg by name. Not his rank, just his name.

"Of course I'm sure...I know you keep read up on this just like I do. That's it...steady now...And really Reg, I wouldn't have asked for your help otherwise..."

"T-thank you ma'am..." There was a soft sound, as flesh striking flesh, albeit lightly. "'am?"

"Don't call me ma'am. Ever. I don't care...hand me that other old I am...I'd rather be called 'sir' before ma'am...and I don't even like that...if you have to, just call me Admiral. I know you'd never be able to call me Virginia..."

"I c-couldn't do that..."

"Thought so. Can you turn that...the other way...just...yep, hold it..."

La Forge hated to interrupt, he really did. Clearing his throat, loudly, he asked, "How's it going?"

Both sets of legs jolted insurprise, but La Forge was willing to bet that the thud he heard was from Reg hitting his head on the underside of the console and not the admiral.

"It's going fine," replied Virginia. She pulled herself out, and stood, helping Reg to his feet.

Sure enough, it was Reg rubbing his head. "We're actually...almost done, sir."

"Can I look at what you're doing?" La Forge asked.

Virginia nodded. "Go ahead. I'd be interested in knowing what the chief engineer thinks of our work."

La Forge crawled under the concole...and let out a low whistle. "This is some sophisticated work, you guys. You've done all this in just a couple hours?"

"Uh, yes Commander..." Reg said. He beamed at La Forge's praise.

You rerouted...and augmented ... wow..." La Forge was silent a moment, and then pulled himself out from underneath the console and back to his feet. "I wish I had you on my team, Admiral. I'm not sure what you have planned, but with what you two are'll be able to pull anyone out of an ion storm by their DNA alone."

"Most of it's Reg's work..." Virginia said.

"Now Admiral..." the leiutenant protested.

"Reg, don't bite the hand that compliments you," she scolded. "It was a team effort, Commander. We couldn't have done it alone."

"I'm tempted to ask you to work on the ships transporters when you're done." He smiled at the "twinkle" he saw in her response.

"I'd be tempted to say yes," she replied. "What do you think Reg?"

Reg's mouth fell open. "I...I..."

La Forge grinned. "I think that's a yes."

"Yes, I think so too," remarked the admiral. "We'll finish here and call it a day and pick up with the ship's transporters in the morning?"

"That's fine with me," answered La Forge. "Reg?"

"Fine with me, sir."

"Good. I'll let the two of you get back to work."

"Aye, sir." Reg hurriedly crawled back under the console.

Virginia followed him, after giving La Forge a beaming smile.

Once again looking at two pairs of legs, La Forge grinned as the two picked up chattering where they had left off.

"Ok, Reg..hold it steady..."

" you think we should..."

Chuckling deeply, La Forge walked away and left the two alone.


Jean-Luc Picard said...

They still have spanners in the 24th century?

Ciera said...

no matter how technical and fancy a gadget gets...a spanner is still a any century! :)