January 04, 2011

Zion's Children - pt 38

The room grew quiet at the sound of a hypo being discarged.

Byrin was the first to look at Miri, saw her pulling the hypo away from her arm. "Miri?"

"What have you done?" Marcus asked, his face paling.

Miri turned and faced the two. Her face was solemn, but there was peace on that face. "I don't know when I'll start to show symptoms, but I'm willing to be one of your test patients. There will be others. As much as many of us are ready and willing to meet our Savior, we also want to live another day. It's how He made us."

"Yet you're willing to sacrifice yourself?" Marcus asked angrily. "You didn't have to do this."

"Yes, I did." She sat in the nearest chair. "I think it's working...I feel weak already."

"Damn," Marcus started to walk to her, but Byrin beat him.

"Miri, I have to make sure you're sick before I can test this on you, you understand that?" Byrin asked.

Miri looked up at him, eyes wide. "Byrin...I trust you..." And with that, she fainted and would have slid from the chair had they not caught her.

Together the doctors carried her to the cot in the corner.

"She might trust you, but I'm not sure I do," Marcus muttered.

"You did. Or you'd never have sent for me."

Marcus looked at him, startlment plain on his face. "How did you..."

"I have my sources," Byin said quietly. "No doubt she's sick, but I still need to do blood work. I need to find out how far advanced the virus is."

"Then let's get started." Marcus said. "I'll find Lily and let her know what's going on. We...should inform Levi as well."

"That's gonna be tough." Byrin was already preparing a hypo to draw Miri's blood.

"Yeah, I think I'll handle that part. He'd eat you alive." Marcus laughed sharply. "Heck, he might do the same to me!"

"Marcus...let's hurry shall we?"

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