March 06, 2007

Resistance Is Futile - Pt. 9

Jean-Luc Picard's gaze traveled across the room, to where Admiral Hamilton sat at the bar as he pondered Counselor Troi's question. To his surprise, the admiral was engaged in conversation with Worf, and appeared to be enjoying it, even laughing out loud. What, he wondered, would it be like to make her laugh? Other, less chaste thoughts ran through his mind. Thoughts of what it would be like to her her sighs of delight as he touched her and caressed her. What it would be like to release the passion locked inside her. "What I want...I would love to be alone with her for more than five minutes and talk about anything other than the Borg, regulations, and this blasted mission."

"Then I would suggest a walk in the arboretum. If you prefer more privacy, then I would suggest a Holodeck. Worf and I had Holodeck 3 reserved this evening, there's still an hour left..."

"I couldn't," he protested.

"I insist," said Deanna, smiling widely. "Besides, Worf and I have a wedding to plan."

Picard considered this, almost taking another sip of his drink before remembering that the tea was cold. He set the cup down, pushing it away from him. "Thank you Counselor, I think I will. Good evening." He rose to his feet with purpose, and walked calmly across the room to stand next to Virginia.

Worf, standing on the other side of the admiral, straightened to attention. "Captain."

Virginia looked up from her dessert, a thin ribbon of chocolate syrup on her top lip. "Oh, Picard!" She licked her lips. "You and Counselor Troi were talking and I didn't want to interrupt, so I decided to have chocolate while I waited."

"We're through now," he answered, the whimsical tone of her comment causing him to smile.

"Good." She paused for a bite of her cake, this time the chocolate syrup coated her bottom lip. "Mmm," she said as she licked it away. "Oh, our orders! We are to change course 24 hours after the wedding, and then the warp factor is 'captain's discretion'."

Worf, seeing that he was no longer needed, or noticed, slipped away quietly.

"Understood," answered Picard in response to the orders the admiral had delivered. "Admiral..." His voice lowered, softened in tone. "Virginia...I happen to know that Holodeck 3 is free, would you care to join me for a walk?"

"I'd love to," she answered without hesitation. She rose to her feet, dessert forgotten.

Side by side, the captain and the admiral, the man and the woman, left 10-Forward.

"The next couple of days should be interesting," Guinan said to Deanna and Worf as they watched their commanding officers depart.

"They're absolutely glowing," sighed Deanna.

Both women looked to Worf.

"Cute couple."


Jean-Luc Picard said...

Interesting...Jean-Luc & Virginia...

Ciera said...

Virginia is an alter ego of mine that I've been writing for years now...I'm going to start putting some of those stories here.