March 01, 2008

Zion's Children - pt 7

Although their backs were turned to her Miri nodded her head at Doctor Alexander's instructions. She watched their departure with interest, then turned back to regard Lily Bennett with curiosity. "You're not really upset, are you? About not working with the handsome doctor?"

Lily smirked. "Miriam, my taste finds Doctor Alexander far more handsome than Gold." Which was true. She preferred the calm authoritative men to the pompous ones. His white hair made him look older than he was, but he was still handsome.

"Then why did you question Marc's decision?"

She shrugged. Why indeed? "Old habits die hard," was all Lily decided to share. It would be embarrassing to admit that it was jealousy of the other woman.

"Yes," Miri agreed. She almost smiled. "Sometimes the old nature doesn't want to admit that it was crucified on the cross."

Lily blinked. "Excuse me?"

"Are you not a Christian?"

Now Lily frowned. "ConFleet regulations prohibit religious witness."

Miri gave a knowing smile. "ConFleet regulations prohibit their officers from sharing their faith, with each other and the people they serve. Yes, I know. I've worked closely with Confleet these past several years and know their regulations rather well. Of course, it helped growing up with them. Nurse Bennett, the regulations state that you cannot start the conversation and that you cannot proselytize. I started the conversation, and I am already a Christian. We are well within the regulations, regardless of whether my assessment of you is correct."

"Indeed, we are." That could explain why the woman had seemed familiar to her earlier. She had heard of the phenomenom before, of Christians being able to recognize one another on sight, but had never experienced it herself. "How is it you're a Christian? I mean..."

Miri chuckled. "Three quarters of this colony held to the Judeo-Christian faith long before the first ConFleet ships set down and announced that there was going to be a military outpost on this world. I've been told they were quite surprised to discover that, along with the fact that we had some semblance of 'civilization'. Come, we'll talk more as we walk and work. Marc doesn't like to be kept waiting."

Lily gave a friendly smile. This was a likable woman, and she knew they were going to be great friends.

1 comment:

Jean-Luc Picard said...

Sounds like the two will be strongly associated.