February 18, 2006


Precious was the perfect picture of despair. She sat at the foot of the mountain, to tired to even cry. What, she wondered, was she going to do now? She was hungry, and thristy, and tired...and the air reeked of defeat.

Like vultures attracted to dead body, the air was suddenly full of those blighted being Precious knew as the Enemy. And she had a sinking feeling, no - a knowing, that they were coming for her.

Though she had no stength, and no where to run for cover, Precious drew herself to her feet and started to run. It was a slow lurking gate as she stumbled over dried roots and through dry potholes.

What she wouldn't give for even a drop of water right now...even the tiniest raindrop.Would her prince want her back? How would she ever find her way back to the path? It was hopeless. Still...

The vultures were almost on her, and with gasping breath she cried out - "Yeshua!"

Before the Word was even out of her mouth, He was coming for her. She could see Him in the distance on His white stallion. As the vultures begon to pull at her hair, Yeshua - in gleeming silver armor - pulled her to the stallion with a smooth motion even as Hiw sword was brandished in His other hand. The vultures screamed and fled.

A gentle rain began to fall as the sound of hoofbeats faded into the distance...

1 comment:

Cliff said...

Excellent! How many of us get into a bad situation and hope for a saving grace like that. Yes, you've hit on an awesome truth. Jesus doesn't save us once and then leave us to fend for ourselves. He keeps saving us. Praise God, He is Awesome!